Her name is Doralla Kon, and she's a being from another dimension.
That's all there really is to that story. But, while were talking about old Flash comics, here's a funny mistake they made in the Flash issue 133, the one where Flash has the strangest feeling he's being turned into a puppet (dated December 1962). It's on page one of the Kid Flash story "Secret of the Handicapped Boys!". It shows three kids and one of them is saying, and I quote, "I can't speak... but I know a secret about Kid Flash!"
That's right, a boy who can't talk says he can't talk! How did the editor let that slide? I'm sure glad they did, 'cause it's hilarious.
One last silly superhero moment, although this time it's not within those good smelling silver age pages, but in plastic. I was at my local comic book store, probably checking out if they had any old Fantastic Fours that I didn't have, when I ended up buying a pack of Heroclix figures. The box was sealed until I got home and opened it up. One of the figures was Hawkgirl, which was cool because I enjoy the silver age Hawkman comics, but annoying because I already had a Hawkgirl Heroclix figure. But, whatever, I opened the figure from the clear plastic bag that it was trapped in. This is what I found...
For anyone not familiar with the character, let me explain: Hawkgirl doesn't have three arms! I really like production errors, this one included, but it's a shame how easily this could have been faked, I mean, just glue an arm to any 'ol Hawkgirl. I wish I had noticed this production mistake before opening the plastic bag, that would have made the error a little more authentic looking. But I know the truth, and my brother was a witness!
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