Sep 26, 2016


It was a cold morning at the flea market, but I was right where I wanted to be. I'd seen one dealer in the past selling some old Pokemon toys and a mug with a picture of a sumo wrestler on it, so I made sure to keep my eyes peeled for any other treasures at their booth. On this particular day, the dealer had a bowl filled with a mess of random junk, and although it didn't look too promising, I sifted through it. Then something caught my eye...

A small, metal, figure ripping-off R2-D2! It's a miracle I found this needle in that haystack!

I forgot to measure it, but I'd say it stands about... hmm... half a vintage Yoda action figure. There's no date or company anywhere on the figure, and I've never heard or read anything about this guy. Perhaps it's part of a set with funny looking Chewbaccas and Lukes, or maybe it's a piece that belongs to some sort of RPG thingy? Whatever its origin, I was psyched to receive this little droid. It was definitely one of those moments when you buy a miniature collectible and hope it doesn't accidentally, like, fall out of a undiscovered hole in your pocket before you get home!

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